Let’s Talk Politics!


Are you into Politics? Which political party do you belong to? Do you cast your vote? What is your take on the current government?

These are only a few questions thrown at any ordinary youth in our country, of which at least a quarter will be answered in the negative, with apolitical views topping the chart. Having committed the same flaw of being a proud apolitical person once, I truly understand the aversion many young people have towards Politics. The thought takes me back to an eighth-grade classroom, where my Social Science teacher enunciated Politics as a gross domain of futility. She might have meant political parties, but for someone like me who took the teacher’s words for a sermon, Politics was equated and eliminated without any further thoughts.
The idea of Politics being a loser’s arena or a ruined playground is the side effect of this capsule, securely placed into our heads by some reverent school teachers, many of whom are completely ignorant of its true meaning. In the horizons of their classes, to think beyond a permanent job is nothing less than a nightmare and to aspire to be in the public domain serving the society, is undoubtedly a hardcore sin. Such is the pathetic situation of our so-called education system – a factory producing brainless skulls.
Classrooms teach us a lot, we learn plentifully, but to unlearn and relearn many of the learnt chapters requires critical thinking. This is the point where the risk of raising questions pops up; the risk of being flagbearers of change endangers your survival. It is no wonder that our society is keen on entitling such young thinkers as rebels, in lieu of congratulating them for mastering the process of unlearning. But as Victor Hugo once said, “No power on Earth can stop an idea whose time has come.”

As members of a political community, being taught to remain apolitical is a clear blemish on our entire identity. We are a nation built on the very notions of political ideologies; a nation that found its voice after years of struggle veiled in pain and blood. Those selfless sacrifices once made have yielded the country with potent young demographics, many of who still continue to cast a blind eye towards their obligations. Their thoughts lack clarity and views lack content; this holds them back from analyzing the politics in daily events.

But in simple terms, to have an opinion, to take a stance, to say no, to remain loyal to your ideologies… everything is political. As citizens of a democracy, where power rests with the people, with a constitution guaranteeing fundamental rights, it is our responsibility to uphold political values and contribute to nation-building. To remain aloof may seem harmless in the short run, but it will only end up in existential degradation.

Keep in mind, what we say matters, so does what we think; it’s all part of a larger puzzle. Ergo, think critically and categorically before leaping into the river of apolitical intellectuality. Remember, it is your choice, but it reflects a lot!


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