Peter: The Redemption


Anamika T S

Set amidst faith, love and tyranny Peter: the redemption travels on and off through the biblical events associated with Peter.

For all those who know the story of apostle Peter it might seem a bit boring at the beginning but don’t befooled ,for the film has a lot more in store for you than what it seems. The one thing that stands out is definitely the entire storyline of the film which has some more to offer the viewers than just a biblical story. The writer must have put a lot of effort in maintaining Apostle Peter’s story unaltered while balancing it with the new story within the film. Yes, you get to watch two stories in this film: a story within a story.

All the settings worked out really well in the film and is sure to take away the audience back to the early ADs except Emperor Nero’s palace which does seem a bit too artificial.

You are definitely going to like apostle Peter after watching this movie and if you already do, get ready to like him a bit too more; thanks to John Rhys-Davies and his acting skills, nobody could have ever portrayed apostle Peter so well as he does. It’s a beautifully casted movie with some ethereal actors.

The story ends leaving behind some hopes as well as uncertainties and which I think is perhaps better than a mere tragic end. It’s definitely a movie to watch if you want to know more about Apostle Peter and his life after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


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