Run the Race


Anamika T S

Directed by Chris Dowling and starring Tanner Stine and Evan Hofer; the film Run the Race is one of its kind aimed at bringing about a change in people’s lives.

When life is confusing all around it’s definitely a movie to watch because I believe it can help you clear out all the fuss. Well, that’s how it works with a movie so inspirational and beautiful beyond words like this one.

For those soft hearted, it might be a bit hard to watch this movie without shedding some drops of tears and it’s definitely worth it. Hats of to the writer and producer of the movie Jake McEntire for not only mastering this amazing piece of work but also for bringing it out to the public. I think but he has made a big mistake by limiting and condensing a story that needs more space to 101 minutes and I guess it’s a big backlash to the movie. A lot of scenes which need more detailing could be seen choking inside the film which leaves the viewers no other options than scratch their heads.

The movie does not suffer a set back from the side of the actors and perhaps that has up to an extent helped to conceal some missing elements and explanations. An otherwise PG rated movie can be rated G if all those teen parties are not to be paid any attention.

The film has some wonderful songs by Paul Mills which you could cherish throughout your life, take my words. It is definitely worth watching and you’ll get a lot of inspirational thoughts to keep you going through tough times and so can you figure out a way to lead a better life with God. The plot worked out nicely considering the theme ‘faith’. Overall, the film is good enough for anyone to watch whether a believer or not.


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