A Sound Mind In A Sound Body


Namitha Eliza Raju
A sound body can heal the problems of mind in a much better way. The wounds that occurred in the mind can weaken the health of the body and vice versa. Some effective steps to heal the mind are:

  • Exercise: it can be a central method to compensate to heal body as well as mind. Physical exercise not only promotes overall fitness, but it helps to manage emotional stress and tension as well. Exercise can also aid in relaxation of the body.
  • Relaxation techniques and meditation:
  • Autogenic training: this technique is based upon passive concentration and awareness of body sensations. It developed in the early 20th One focusses upon different sensations, such as warmth or heaviness, in different regions of the body.
  • Biofeedback: it is one method of learning to achieve relaxation, control stress responses, or modify the body’s reactions through the use of monitoring equipment. It is used by many practitioners for a variety of psychological and physical conditions.
  • Imagery: it is sometimes referred to as “guided imagery”. It is the use of pleasant or relaxing images to calm the mind and body. By controlling breathing and visualizing a soothing image, a state of deep relaxation can occur.
  • Meditation techniques: the meditative state is one which there is a deep centering and focusing upon the core of one’s being. There is a quieting of the mind, emotions, and body. This state can be achieved through structured (as in a daily practice of a routine) or unstructured activities.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation: it is a method developed in the 1930s in which muscle groups are tightened and then relaxed in succession. It is based upon the idea that mental relaxation will be a natural outcome of physical relaxation.

Importance of Yoga in Mind Healing

      Yoga is an ancient, Indian art and science that seeks to promote individual health and well- being through physical and mental exercise and deep relaxation for the body. One goal of yoga is to restore balance and harmony to the body and emotions through numerous postural and breathing exercises. Yoga, which means “joining” or “union” in Sanskrit, has been called the “search for the soul” and the “union between individual and the divine.”

      Increased flexibility and capability for relaxation are among the benefits of Yoga. Research confirms that consciously directed breathing can have the following benefits:

  • Reduced stress
  • Sound sleep
  • Clear sinuses
  • Improved sports performances
  • Reduced allergy and asthma symptoms
  • Smoking cessation
  • Relief from constipation and headaches
  • Relief from menstrual cramps
  • Emotional calmness
  • Lower blood pressure

Yoga became a practical choice for anyone who seeks physical, psychological and spiritual integration, because of its numerous health benefits, its potential for personal and spiritual transformation and its accessibility. All forms of yoga teach methods of concentration and contemplation to control the mind, subdue the primitive consciousness and bring the physical body under the control of mind. To quote from Hahtayogapradipika

“slimness of body, luster on face, clarity of voice, brightness of voice, freedom from disease…”

      Yoga is becoming popular all over the world. For the restless mind, it gives solace, for the sick it is a boon. Promotion of positive health and a sound mind are being nurtured by many who do not want to be the victims of modern ailments. Yoga is playing a vital role in this aspect in the new millennium.



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