Arya A J

The glories of yesterday, worn out it was

Enthrilling the joy of hope, at the eve

The glare of light amidst the clouds

A beauty to behold; a boon to live!


Indeed a spark enlightening life

Rejuvenating the one, hindering it’s way

Golden gleams to glance in a brief

May reveal facts rather the grief!


Awaken from dreams as it seems

Closing doors at our back, our past

Leaving ahead the sorrows, it beams

Away the darkness, far from the dooms!


To the ones who fear its never fearful

For the blossoms of green always cheerful

Round the hill, deep in bluish sea

Origin from depth or even from high!


Wherever silence regins, laughter sets in

As like a dreary vagabond settles in inn

Nothing falls apart in the dawn

For life begins when something ‘s won!


Authentic love in nature’s rhyme

The song of drops composed by none

Still noone wavers as its never a crime

To hear a friend when all is done!


The dawn with a few to follow

Still triumphant in battle against many

Dark is rival, common as fear among the solo

Hymn in silence, also it’s enemy!


Be it gloom, be it smile

Together enchanting,  eventual

Similar is dawn; even for a mile

Is sure in purpose, dwells as eternal!


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